Social Bookmarking, Put to Good Use
The vast, vast, embarrassingly vast majority of web users use free bookmarking tools to cull, rank, and disseminate some of the most famous drivel on the Internet. Pinterest and Twitter and Delicious accounts are chock full of cat pictures, inspirational quotes, and poorly executed memes that turned obsolete three minutes after they were born. In the face of this massive mountain of mindless material, it can be easy to dismiss social bookmarking as a soul numbing waste of time, energy, and server space.
But leave it to our industrious educators to find a surprisingly good use for even the most egregious of online time wasters. Social bookmarking is finding a life in the classroom that could actually be that legendary triple threat… It educates our children, it makes use of modern technology, and it makes the jobs of teachers easier in the process.
Schools with plenty of computers or schools that provide simple netbooks for student use are turning to free social bookmarking tools su Read More